Saturday, February 6, 2010

2010 Greetings!

It is now February... hearts & love! Pictured, is a porcelain clay heart glazed in a light lavender, one of my Fairy Dance collection.
Yes, I know it has been some time since I last blogged...yikes! time goes so fast, so to catch up a bit here, holidays came, spent time in New Hampshire and Mass. with family, had a great time, missed other family members too.Taking long walks in the woods refreshes, and Daisy loves them too! My clay has been calling at me and since busy planning the studio, working & life happening these past months it's been on the back burner.
Recently, I have been adding to my bead store and jewelry to with so much more to come (one of my New Year's resolutions!!), and invited friends to be fans of page and would always welcome new fans!! It gives me incentive to keep going with my art, even in my tiny busting at the seams work area, until the new studio is done and I can move in and go clay crazy..... yes, it is coming!!
I have some orders to get done pronto. Mainly my goal is to get in the studio this year so I can really grow in the art of clay & it's many avenues!
With our Beads-of-Clay group, we just did a swap & I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my swap beads! Such talent & artistry!

Wishing you Peace & beads! :)

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